Monday 30 May 2016


We come across many different faces through out our life , But have you ever thought how many really care  about you ? How many people think about you every day ? What is your significance in their life ? Will your absence make any difference to them ? . Very recently I came across a movie dialogue where the protagonist says  "NOBODY NOTICES WHEN WE LEAVE.I MEAN WHEN WE REALLY CHOOSE TO GO."  Even when we are alive  we sometimes get unnoticed or ignored, then once we take our final departure from life we gradually becomes the voids that get unheeded. Then I got a question in my mind " FOR WHOM ARE WE REALLY LIVING FOR ? ". Now that is the question to be answered and I feel we should live for oneself. The thought may look little selfish but yeah that is what life is all about. Everyone is selfish when it comes to themselves. Don't always believe when people say they will be there for you always , That would be the most fake sentence someone could ever come up with. Always trust actions and not words and Ultimate truth is time changes and  people move on looking for what's better for them. The world literally value and respect people who are rich and beautiful .. Yeah you may find one or two exceptions. So just think about yourself be happy till the time you live and always focus on making some remarkable things in a very positive way so that even when you leave people could take your name. And do realise you can be important to someone.. but not always. The Universe is a Time wheel and we are all just travellers once our time ends we depart to another world where we will rediscover ourselves once again. Till that time learn to find happiness in solitude and learn to do what ever makes you happy.   


  1. Awesome
    And it shows the true reality of life too

  2. Yeah I must be happy finally. But still i believe a few will remember u now and some might miss u after u r gone.

    "When you become rich You will forget who you are, but you are not the whole world will. - Bill gates"
